Beneath the Old Power Plant
(**Commissionned by ACTOR
A mechanical bird begins his existence in the bowels of a mysterious deserted power plant. Lonely and afraid, he wanders the eerie twists and turns of the old factory, searching for a reason for his existence, and desiring above all else to belong to someone who will care for him.
Quasar's saxophone multiphonics immediately reminded me of the sounds of large machines with their strange, rich washes of buzzing overtones. Out of these timbres, the story of the surreal power plant was born. Clothed in these machine timbres, the music itself is an unusual blend of inspirations: Bulgarian folk singing, steampunk and salvagepunk art, Romantic chord progressions, and endearing Pixar-style film soundtracks. The piece is the score to a short film I am creating with the assistance of AI tools. For visuals and updates on the film creation, please visit