Je ne suis pas un robot

Opening concert - Festival des musiques de créations


Affiche JNSPUR

Quasar saxophone quartet is presenting, in co-production with the Le Vivier group, les Productions Totem Contemporain and les Escales improbables de Montréal, the concert-event Je ne suis pas un robot!

Je ne suis pas un robot presents a fusion of Quasar saxophone quartet's virtuosity in contemporary music, the poetic universe of Jérôme Minière, Jean-François Laporte's  ingenious, invented instruments (created from compressors and fans) as well as the creativity of scenographer Marie-Pierre Normand, all brilliantly staged by Maxime Genois. A one-of-a-kind artistic checkerboard that won't leave anyone feeling indifferent, straight into the core of a communion of popular and contemporary music!

Dive into the heart of a retro-futuristic epic that will lead you through the twists and turns of the “mind” of a computer! The public will be brought to question the increasingly porous frontier of the human and machine, the digitization of artistic practice and the meaning of the intimate relationships we have with our technological devices. Through projections, electronic classical music, sirens and much much more, explore these yet unknown territories with us and come out completely stunned by it all.

With our heads in our machines, from morning 'til night, we are not robots; we play, create, sing, live! The improbable and yet inevitable meeting of our pop, electronic, poetic and experimental universes creates sparks: join us there!

– Marie-Chantal Leclair,

saxophonist, artistic director, Quasar


With the participation of:
Guests musicians:
Jérôme Minière
Jean-François Laporte
Totem Contemporain
Marie-Pierre Normand
Maxime Genois
Marianne Lonergan
Art director
Flavie Lemée

Salle Pierrette-Gaudreault

4160, rue du Vieux-Pont
Jonquières QC

Our partners for this event
Logo Vivier
Logo Totem Contemporain
Logo Escales improbables de Montréal
Logo CAC
Logo CAM
Logo Fonds promotion de la musique
Logo Vandoren